BOSTON, MA, November 24, 2020 – Julia Frayer, London Economics International LLC (“LEI”)’s Managing Director, joins a litany of industry experts for the National Council on Electricity Policy (“NCEP”)’s Annual Meeting 2020 as a guest speaker. This meeting is part of NCEP’s multi-year theme on transmission and distribution system interfaces related to planning, operations, and markets. It aims to explore the discussion of “who pays?” and “how?” in the electricity sector by engaging experts and decision-makers to weigh in on the subject.
Julia will be a featured panelist, alongside Mark Paterson and Tanya Barham, in a discussion on “Evolving Compensation and Market Mechanisms,” moderated by Honorable Paul Kjellander of the Idaho Public Utility Commission. The panel will address the impacts on the distribution system as it adopts contemporary technologies, exploring considerations for modern compensation and market mechanisms, the vision for markets and financial transactions, and how policy impacts technology development and markets.
“This is an exciting discussion to be having at this time, particularly in light of the curveball this year has thrown the industry and had us rethink on how we use electricity and whether we need more flexibility and choice in the future,” Julia commented.
NCEP’s Annual Meeting 2020: Evolving Compensation and Market Mechanisms takes place virtually over three days, from December 7-9, 2020. Registration for the event is free and available online at NARUC’s website.