
In conjunction with our affiliates, London Economics International, LLC provides a full range of asset valuation, strategic advisory, and regulatory analysis services in power and infrastructure industries in Asia. We help advise on privatization, PPA restructuring, telecoms market entry strategy, valuation of divested generation and power sector assets, and numerous other challenging economic and financial issues in the region.
Representative engagements include working with a large Malaysian utility to craft its performance-based ratemaking plan, modeling Philippine and Singaporean electricity markets to assist in the valuation of local generating assets, exploring the potential for bagasse cogeneration in India, and working with the Asian Development Bank on creating regulatory and unbundling roadmaps. LEI has also assisted in reviewing investments in small hydro facilities in China, and in Hong Kong, we have supported local regulators in determining the appropriate cost of capital associated with the Scheme of Control. In Mongolia, LEI designed a fuel substitution program for peri-urban settlements on the outskirts of Mongolia’s capital city, Ulaanbaatar.

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