Press Release


LEI managing sales process for portfolio of small hydropower assets in the northeast

July 11, 2024 – London Economics International LLC (“LEI”) is assisting a small hydropower owner with the sale of a portfolio of 7 hydroelectric stations that are geographically coordinated within New York and New Hampshire. The portfolio has a total capacity of 10.7 MW and collectively produces approximately 31 GWh of renewable energy each year.

The portfolio presents significant upside potential. The owner has made considerable operational improvements to the portfolio in recent years – including modernization and automation upgrades, as well as unit overhauls – resulting in increased production. In addition, there is potential for solar development across the asset sites. Several assets benefit from Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) exemptions, minimizing regulatory expenses related to the FERC relicensing process and fees. Finally, the portfolio generates substantial (and growing) revenues, having secured long-term, above market power purchase agreements (“PPAs”) and qualification for Renewable Energy Certificate (“REC”) sales.

Interested buyers are asked to reach out to Amit Pinjani, Director at LEI, via email at for further information.
